Our New French Potager!

Just what is a potager and why is this our new growing method? Webster’s defines a potager as someone who cooks soup – and how appropriate– since I do specialize in soups, as many of my readers can attest! But most gardeners today use the word to describe a French method of growing vegetables, herbs and flowers all together in the same beds.

A potager is as much about creating charming flowerscapes as it is about producing bountiful food. And while the flowers draw pollinators to the vegetable plants, for the average potager gardener, it’s about fully enjoying the gardening experience. After all, who wouldn’t enjoy weeding more when surrounded by beautiful flowers?

Our old, practical row planting method worked well for a market garden.

Our garden beds have always been arranged in a purely practical manner. Because we were selling organic produce at a farmer’s market and through local CSA’s and delivery programs, high production was key. Now however, we’re focusing on farm-to-table events and workshops so there’s no need to grow four full rows of kale or chard. Now we can rearrange paths so they curve through the garden beds with flowers nodding between a few kales or a few chards. Now, beauty is just as important as productivity and I’m one happy gardener!

When you visit our homestead you will still see a few raised vegetable garden beds where some of our produce will grow. And we’ll still have grow bags and pots everywhere with corn, sweet potatoes and other vegetables growing in them. But we’ll also have several herbaceous borders interplanted with berries and herbs and flowers and a main garden area with seating that allows you to enjoy the day and the beauty while waiting for harvest time.

Jackie Wall is a certified North Carolina gardener.

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