Why is Dirt So Expensive???

Will someone please explain to me how a l’il ole bit of dirt can cost a fortune?!?  If you live where the existing dirt isn’t dirt at all but cold, hard red clay then you either gotta buy some dirt or you gotta make some dirt.

The Happy Homesteader would prefer to make all her own dirt but – hey – I’m already old here; I don’t have ten to twenty years to make a bunch of soil.  So a few weeks ago, The Innocent Bystander and I went to the “dirt place” in nearby Weaverville and ordered up four yards of their dirt.  Well, actually a mix of two different composts that the owner assured me would be “plant-ready.”  We’ll see.  Meanwhile, I gotta go sell my soul to pay for this miracle dirt.  I also gotta think of ways to increase my composting here on The Little Half Acre cause that stuff is just too expensive.  Period.

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