Tomato Season — at Last!

With a cool and incredibly wet spring and summer, it seemed like tomato season was never going to arrive. Hallelujah, we’ve had our first slicer! Unfortunately, all that rain made the tomato a bit mushy and the flavor was a bit weak but it sure beat any tomato you would find in a grocery store.

I’ve been trying to decide which variety I ate since our sweet little kitty (not!) knocked over my tray of tomato seedlings back in the spring. The entire tray tray ended upside down on the living room carpet so I had seedlings, soil and markers lying everywhere. I have no idea now what’s what.

After looking up what seeds I started I knew this tomato had to be either a Brandywine, a Dester or an Italian Heirloom since those were the only slicing varieties I started. Definitely not a Brandywine since it’s red and not pink and I don’t think it was the Dester either so by process of elimination, it’s an Italian Heirloom. Hopefully, the next few off the vine will not be victim of rain, rain, rain and I’ll know whether or not to raise it again next year.

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