Sadie Mae the Kitten Meets the Chickens

Critters are fun to watch, and let’s face it: we all take photos and videos of our animals to share. Here’s a video of our 3-month old rescue kitten Sadie Mae on her first encounter with our chickens outside the chicken run.

The pullets were about 14 weeks old, and chickens are surprisingly not afraid of cats. Our cats normally just stroll by the run when the birds are out and the cats hardly pay any attention. However the chickens are curious, and will run over to the wire to check out these weird-looking new critters walking by.

But kittens want to play, and Sadie Mae tried to join with the gaggle of hens pecking around in one of our strawberry patches. It didn’t last long– Maude the alpha hen wasn’t having it, and pecked Sadie Mae on her butt to chase her away.

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