My Little Helper

And a Very Good Morning to you, Miz Ladybug!

I get absolutely giddy when I find ladybugs and praying mantises on our half acre homestead.  It’s taken a few years and there were many times I was tempted to buy organic bug control but I resisted and here’s the result.  Yes, we had a lot of pest damage the first few years but Mother Nature seems to be balancing things out now.

The problem with some of the “organic” sprays and dusts is that they kill the good bugs along with the bad bugs.  That just didn’t seem right to me.  Yes, it’s been difficult and I am thoroughly tired of squishing or drowning all the nasty little beasties that want to eat my food.  In the next post, I will show some photos of the garden beds that help solve bug problems.  SPOILER ALERT:  they won’t be pretty pictures – they won’t show nice, even rows of veggies – it will look like a tornado came through or a giant had a temper tantrum in the middle of the garden – but stayed tuned cuz it works!

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