It’s that time of year when there’s way more stuff to do than there is time to do it in. Yep, harvest and “put by” time. My grandparents always referred to the canning, freezing, fermenting and drying of harvests as “putting by.” Well, I am hard at it right now getting fall transplants in the ground, weeding, fertilizing and selling a lot of my produce at a local farmers market. BUT…. I am also hard at it to get some of that luscious produce put by.
I have already made spaghetti sauce (for the very first time!) and frozen it as well as making some delicious applesauce from the apples that Tropical Storm Fred knocked off our heirloom Grimes Golden tree. I didn’t take any photos of that — cuz who has time to stand around snapping pictures right now??? But yesterday was the day that just about broke the Happy Homesteader’s back. Corn. Corn, corn and more corn. First I shucked the corn:

The I creamed it off the cob (a HUGE mess!) —

Then I cooked it —

And, finally, I portioned it into jars to freeze —

And voila! Creamed corn that will bring the taste of summer all through those long, cold winter months. And confession? It was only twenty-six ears so it wasn’t as horrible as I’ve made it sound. But whining has made me feel better so that next week, when I purchase another few dozen ears from a friend, I will be in the right frame of mind to do it all again.
Canning Supplies
Here’s some hints about canning: I always go with reusable canning lids and rings by Tattler. Why?
- Well, they’re reusable– not one and done. Save money plus convenience.
- They’re made in Michigan, USA, and not a foreign knock-off.
- Why use one and done lids and rings when everybody agrees shortages are coming?
- Use for either hot water bath or pressure canning.
- They’re safe. No PBAs. Also dishwasher safe. Yayyy!
- No food spoilage due to acid corrosion of metal lids.
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