After four days of heavy rains (4 plus inches!) a foggy morning hangs over the homestead. I love these mornings when even the birds are quiet and the landscape takes on a very other worldly appearance.
The rain will help all the plants shoot up. Sunshine is in the forecast and growth can be measured against the Handy Panels at the back of each bed. We’ve been harvesting head lettuces for the market:
Baby romaine, Lollo Di Rosas and Green Frill lettuces make a beautiful display that draws customers to my booth. We’re harvesting scallions, baby kale leaves and spinach although the last of the spinach came out yesterday to make room for summer squashes.
The snow peas are finally blooming and the salad turnips are bulking up and will be pulled out soon. I love the continuing changes in the garden – from the earliest spinach and lettuces all the way through heat hardy tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.
What a great life! Two days ago I was out in my wellies and rain jacket, picking produce in an absolute downpour! I found myself whistling under my breath – as my mother used to do when she pottered about the house and garden – and realized I was as happy as I’ve ever been. Homesteading is a great lifestyle. Give it a try, even if it’s only a pot of herbs on your apartment balcony, a front porch or back deck. You’ll soon get hooked – I guarantee it.