We’re trying to live in harmony with Gaia rather than trying to impose our will on her. So we don’t till the land, we don’t plant fruit trees or bushes in nice rows and we try to spread the veggies and herbs all over the place along with the fruits we grow.
So far? It seems to be working pretty well. Our neighbor warned us that we would never be able to grow potatoes in this area because the potato beetles are so bad. And the stink bug population in the area should be happily devastating everything on the property. In addition, lots of bunnies, deer, wild turkeys, ground squirrels, huge snakes and opossums run wild all over this little half acre. Basically, we shouldn’t have any crops of any kind this year. And yet — despite all the critters that should be mowing down every edible we’ve planted here — we’re eating quite large.
Here’s some recent pictures of our “critters.”
Why do the opossums generally waddle past the compost pile? Why do the rabbits hop right by the ripe strawberries and why do the deer ignore the blueberries and other edibles? Now, let me just clarify that I do have to go out occasionally and chase a deer away from a couple of areas but, amazingly, it doesn’t happen that often! And, even though I use some bird netting in certain areas, I couldn’t keep a really determined creature from a delightful veggie and fruit buffet.
I have to wonder if we’ve been extremely lucky or if it’s because we’re employing the principles of permaculture? We’ve scattered our fruits and veggies all over our half acre in a seemingly random pattern. Except for the small netted garden area, the rest of the growing space — the straw bale gardens, the Hugelkultur mound, one raised bed and the two terraces of veggies — have been pretty much open for any critter who’s determined. But all these creatures basically walk by the succulent offerings. I have to think it’s because everything is subtle in appearance. There’s no one large plot of a particular food that draws their attention.
Now, I admit, I surrounded the main garden bed with bird netting attached to poles at 5 and 6 foot heights. But I’ve always read that deer will jump anything under 8 feet. And, don’t deer love ripe blueberries? Those aren’t protected by anything. I’ve watched countless times as the deer meander right past several bushes with lovely dark berries just waiting to be munched. But nope! They leave ’em all for me! Ditto with the bunnies and the ripe, red strawberries.
Hhmmm. . . so maybe there is something about this whole permaculture thing. To be fair, we’re surrounded by acres of meadow and hundreds of acres of forest so there’s a lot of food out there for the critters. But still, the veggies and fruits are just right out there in the open. I think it’s the permaculture. I think that, because there’s no central area with fruit tree upon fruit tree, or berry bush upon berry bush, or row upon row of veggies, the critters just don’t think it’s worth the effort. They just browse right by all the things that I want to keep for myself and eat those things that I’m happy to share! I love it! Now. If I could only get the same reaction from all the plant devouring bugs! More on that later . . .