Welcome, and Come In!

The Little Half Acre is our experiment in sustainable living on a small parcel of rocky land in the mountains of western North Carolina. I’m Jackie, and my husband Larry and I moved here on August 20th, 2015. We’ve both loved the outdoors our whole lives (me especially) and, the older we got, the more we longed to live small and give up all the trappings of success.
Because my mother lived small her whole life and never wasted a single resource, we were blessed with a very small inheritance that allowed us to pay for our dream with cash. Our goal is to live like my mom did – we won’t waste anything, we won’t go into debt and we will appreciate every blessing – however small – that comes our way. Thank you Mom.
We’ll do just that here on The Little Half Acre that Could. We’re hoping that – by our example – we will encourage others to get off their own treadmills to live small and sustainable while living very large spiritually.
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