Okay, a “bit” is a slight understatement. Just saw on the news that this area received an incredible 14 1/2 inches of rain for the month of May. Yikes! Our calm little branch, which only runs when we’ve had a fair amount of rain, has been gushing water since February. There have been a few weeks where it was a gentle little trickle but, for the most part, it’s looked like this:
And while some of our neighbors in southern counties have suffered from flooding, we’re fortunate enough to not be adversely affected by all the rain. In fact, the garden has been quite happy.
Our potato grow bags have shot up over two feet from their planting date of April 21st.
We planted in twenty gallon grow bags with 6″ of soil and, as the potatoes grew, we added four more inches and then mulched with several inches of grass clippings. Some of the potatoes are starting to bloom. Yay! The Masquerade potatoes have purple and creamy skins and I will sell those at the market as an upscale product (and eat some too of course!) The Kennecbecs we’re not sharing with anyone and that’s final!!!
The tomatoes are growing nicely as are the Savoy cabbages:

And we’ve gotten tons of Oregon Sugar Snap Snow Peas and Magenta Snow Peas for selling at market with lots more coming on:
Winter squashes are all up and doing well. The varieties planted were Kabocha, Butternut and Musque de Provence. We should have plenty of winter squashes to add to our Winter CSA boxes.
And the lettuces, kales and chards are all still producing like crazy:
Now, unless we get a hail storm or a horde of ravaging rabbits, I think we’re going to have a great season!